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There are some habits that spoil your smile and even if you were born with a great smile they can damage your teeth and gums. These are the most common in adults:
- Nail biting, pencils, bobby pins, buttons,…
- Smoking
- Piercings
“A long and healthy life is no accident. It starts with good genes, but it depends on good habits” Dan Buettner

Do you have a habit of biting objects or nails when you are nervous? To bite your nails, lips, hairpins,… you bring your jaw forward and the meniscus between the skull bone and the jaw deforms, the bone wears out and you start to have pain when chewing, clicking, crunching in the joint,… as well as ruining your nails and causing tooth fractures.
If you can’t give it up, maybe you can change this habit for another one, such as carrying a little doll that you can squeeze in your pocket and “crush” it when you are tempted to bite your nails. You can use bitter nail polish from the drugstore or gel nails, but this only works if you want to stop. In reality it is a symptom of stress, you provoke a distraction to avoid facing what is stressing you, maybe if you face the situation (exam, appointment,…) you will see that “it wasn’t that bad”.

Is smoking your thing? When you smoke either tobacco or marijuana, the heat dehydrates your salivary glands and produces that “dry mouth” sensation. Saliva has enzymes that protect your gums. When saliva is scarce, the soft tissue becomes inflamed and “pockets” form between your gums and teeth that fill with bacteria, these bacteria produce an inflammation that ends up attacking the bone that holds the teeth.

The bone disappears due to the aggression and the gums move downwards, moving closer to the bone. It is normal to notice that your gums bleed when you brush and that “black triangles” or parts of the root of the tooth begin to appear, as well as bad breath and unattractive stains on the teeth.
With continued smoking begins the loss of teeth and molars. Keeping your teeth in good condition with a healthy and strong smile requires changing your habits.
In addition, gum disease (periodontal disease) is related to cardiovascular problems, premature births, erectile dysfunction,…
Quitting smoking when you have been smoking for a long time is difficult, you know that nicotine is addictive, but if you really want to quit you can seek help from associations, family doctors, hypnosis, nicotine patches… use whatever works best for you, remember that not only you benefit from this change but also your family.
Remember to drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated, avoid hot drinks, brush your teeth frequently, use floss and antiseptic mouthwashes and have regular check-ups with your dentist/gum specialist.

Thinking about getting your mouth pierced? Tongue piercings have a high risk of becoming infected, the microvilli surrounding the taste buds are full of bacteria, which sometimes stain white, green or yellow depending on the type of microorganisms that predominate in the mouth, remember that if your tongue is healthy it will be pink. Use antiseptic rinses after each brushing (including the tongue) and until it heals, avoid tobacco, alcohol and fats.
Once the piercing is in place, as the tongue is a muscle and does not stop moving, the piercing will gradually push forward towards the tip of the tongue. When speaking, chewing, swallowing, kissing,… the piercing will hit against the gum or teeth, which can cause micro fractures that weaken the structure of the enamel and can later lead to a broken tooth or loss of the gum that covers the roots of the teeth.
If you are already wearing them, be extremely hygienic by keeping them clean and free of food debris, use antiseptic rinses after brushing and periodically check the fit of the clasp to avoid choking.

If you want to make your smile something different, dental brilliants or gems that can even be personalised as they are attached to the tooth and are small, they do not irritate the gums and can decorate your smile in a unique and different way.

Your habits determine the quality of your life. Denis Waitley
Do you have a habit that you are not sure if it is affecting the health of your mouth or not? Do you want to renew your smile? Call us on 952 777747 and we will explain how to improve and maintain your smile in the best conditions.